Welcome to Classic 7
Relived nostalgia.
Classic 7 is a 10to7 mod that aims to look 1:1 with Windows 7 Ultimate.
Keep in mind Classic 7 is not 100% accurate. We take criticism at our Discord server.
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Your computer, redefined.
Experience a new wave of nostalgia from the look and feel of Classic 7.
Almost 1:1
Classic 7 tries to replicate the 1:1 feeling with Windows 7.
Enjoy shiny glass with minimal performance impact.
Latest version: 0.3
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This project wouldn't have been possible without some projects. Here's the full list of all the people and mods/apps that have been used. If I missed you, please contact me and I will add you to the list.
Main Projects:
- StartIsBack++ by Tihiy
- Aero10 by vaporvance
- UltraUXThemePatcher by M. Hoefs
- Restoring Control Panel Pages by Brawllux
- Classic UAC by aubymori
- Basic Theme Checker by n1d3v (creator of Classic 7)
- Windows 7 VAN.dll by joleman11 for discovering and wiktorwiktor12 for the mod.
- Windows 7 CPL Colors by theinsane101
- Winaero Tweaker by Winaero
- Firefox by Mozilla
- BeautyFox by angelbruni
- SIB++ Patches by Erizur
- ConsoleLogonHook by wiktorwiktor12
- Custom CMD Version Text by aubymori
- Old EOA by aubymori
- Open With Enhanced by Frieger and modifications by Jevil7452
- OpenGlass by ALTaleX531
- Aero Window Manager by Dulappy
- Aero Peek 3 by Brawllux
- Windhawk by Ramen Software
- 7+ Taskbar Tweaker by Ramen Software
If I missed you above, please contact me!
Windhawk Mods:
- Control Panel Reborn by aubymori
- Disable the Windows 8+ OSD by joleman11
- Disk Pie Chart by aubymori
- Force thick frames+ by teknixstuff
- Inactive Button Opacity by Unknown Author
- Please Wait Bitmap Loader by Unknown Author
- Restore Windows 7 NW Flyout by wiktorwiktor12
- SIB++ Tweaker by Erizur
- ThemeCPL Sort by rounak
- Windows 7 Clock Spacing by aubymori
- Accent Color Sync by CatmanFan / Mr._Lechkar
- Aerexplorer by aubymori
- Aero Flyout Fix by aubymori
- Aero Tray by aubymori
- Basic Themer (used by Basic Applier) by aubymori
- Change Explorer Default Location by aubymori
- DWM Ghost Mods by ephemeralViolette
- DWM Unextend Frames by aubymori
- Eradicate Immersive Menus by aubymori
- Fix Basic Caption Text by aubymori
- UWP Titlebars by Erizur
- Legacy File Copy by rounk-ctrl
- Message Box Fix by aubymori
- Old This PC Commands by aubymori
- Open With - Remove Microsoft Store Menu Item by aubymori
- Taskbar Clock Customization by m417z
- UIRibbon Caption Icon Fix by Taniko Yamamoto
- Win32 Tray Clock Experience by aubymori
- Windows 7 Alt+Tab Loader by aubymori
- Windows 7 Style UAC Dim by aubymori
Other Projects:
- Windows 7 OSK, Magnifier, Help and Support and organize menu by Neptune
- Restore Windows Cardspace by andrewender
Notable People / Communities:
- Xdek for pointing out inaccuracies and overall helping out with the project
- Neptune for the idea of Basic Theme Checker
- WinClassic for a lot of help and their mods
- Nostalgia 09' for help with the UAC dialog and UIRibbon restore
- Classic 7 Discord server for all the support while making 0.1 - 0.3
- You for using this mod!
Again, if I missed you, please contact me! I will gladly add you.
Get in touch with us
For any inquiries or support, please contact us via our Discord server.
We currently have no other way to contact us.